At The Self Center Counselling & Psychotherapy Clinic, the health, safety and well-being of our Therapists and Clients is of paramount importance.

During these unprecedented times we all find ourselves in, we have recognised the growing need for affordable Counselling and Psychotherapeutic services.

As an essential service provider our clinic remains open for face to face sessions. Session are strictly by appointment only. We have devised and implemented protocols and rigorous hygiene practices in our clinic to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

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Health Screening

All new clients engaging with our service will be required to complete a telephone Covid-19 screening questionnaire before attending clinic in person. Our Therapists and existing clients are informed not to attend clinic if they are experiencing any Covid-19 related symptoms, or if they suspect that they may have been exposed to Covid-19.

using hand sanitiser

Hand Sanitisers

We have installed a sensor operated hand sanitising machine at the clinic entrance/exit for clients to sanitise their hands on entering and exiting the premises. Additionally there are hand sanitiser gel pumps in all clinic rooms.

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2 Meters

All our bright and spacious clinic rooms are well ventilated and allow for appropriate social distancing practice. Therapists and Clients are reminded to maintain social distancing at all times while in the clinic. There are social distancing signs displayed throughout the premises.

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Cleaning Routine

Our clinic is thoroughly professionally cleaned and sanitized each day. Throughout the working day frequently touched surfaces in the clinic are routinely disinfected. Each Therapist is required to disinfect frequently touched surfaces in their clinic room in between each client session.

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Hand Washing Instructions

We have designated bathrooms for Therapists and Clients. There is signage displayed in bathroom areas that shows effective Hand-washing Technique. Our bathroom areas are regularly disinfected, and there is liquid hand soap and disposable paper hand-towels available in each bathroom.

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We have displayed signage throughout the clinic which advises people how to practice appropriate coughing and sneezing etiquette. Tissues and bag lined waste bins are available in each clinic room.